This game is a variation of an ancient word game: Found poem. A gift for people who love to look at letters.
How to Play the Game:
• Tap to keep the words you like on the screen.
• Shake your phone to compose a poem using the words you’ve selected.
• Scroll up, down, left, or right to create more poems.
When you find the word “INFINITY” (its supposed to be hidden! scroll around to look for it), tap it to complete the found poem game and save a screenshot of your newly created poem :)
The story behind the game:
"I thought of a labyrinth of labyrinths..." - Jorge Luis Borges
In every night there lurks a labyrinth - a simulacrum of our world, disordered and boundless. Here, in this infinite garden of forking paths, the only light comes from language itself.
Lumino invites you into this literary maze where 2,048 seed phrases await at the origin (0,0). Navigate this endless canvas where words flicker like distant stars, each one a potential beginning to your unique poetic journey.
Key Features:
• Infinite Paths: Swipe in any direction to explore - up, down, left, or right. Lost? Keep moving; youll always find your way back to the start
• Words as Light: Tap to capture flickering words, illuminating your path through the darkness
• Emergent Order: Shake your device to evoke order from chaos, transforming random words into meaningful verses
• Journey to Infinity: Each path leads to "infinity" - the mystical exit that completes your poems trajectory
Keywords: labyrinth, language, light, infinity, randomness, poetry